Dental Reconstructive

Accidents happen, and when there is damage to the face due to sports injuries, falls, work-related incidents, or any kind of facial trauma, it can be scary and stressful. Thatʼs why seeing an oral surgeon is the best course of action – they can offer solutions that will have you looking your best in no time! Dental surgery for facial reconstruction breaks down into two categories – soft tissue injuries and fractures. Soft tissue injuries include trauma to the skin or gums, such as cuts on the inside of the cheek, lips, or tongue. Soft tissue injuries also include lacerations on the soft or hard palate.
Fractures relate to the the tiny bone tissue in your mouth, and includes reconstruction to the jawbone and teeth. Larger reconstructive surgeries go into the nasal cavities and the forehead, if the facial injuries are severe enough. In some cases, reconstructive surgery utilized dental implants along with other methods of treatment and mechanics to repair jaw alignments and bone structure.